Welcome to Astara Connect
Your ally for connected mobility.
Astara Connect is the only and first low-code mobility product that allows you to integrate any data, service, or device and scale and automate daily workflows.
A platform driven by internal intelligence and based on the geospatial location that obtains data and transforms it into information and transactions of value for our users and partners.
How it works
Based on three primary data: latitude, longitude, and timestamp. From this, Astara Connect allows you to safely connect your vehicles with infrastructures and services associated with mobility.
By generating and analyzing data, we identify patterns that allow us to improve fleet mobility.
Consumption methods
We provide two consumption methods: an API service for building your products and a Platform (Web interface) for visualizing your fleet vehicles and managing your account.
For both consumption methods, you will need to:
- Create an account. Once the signup process has been completed, a verification link will be sent to your e-mail.
- Login to your account with your credentials.
- Then, you must register your first vehicle with the provider identification code (tracker_id)_ related to the vehicle. Once the vehicle is connected, you can access the vehicle's data.
If the chosen consumption method is via API, you must generate an API Key. For this reason, once you have logged in to the platform (step 2), go to Settings, Company section, and generate an API Key necessary to authenticate the API services.
⚠️ Depending on the provider, the identifier may differ; check your data provider's documentation for more information.
Updated 11 months ago