A company is an entity that holds everything that you possess related to the same payment method. It contains all the elements you have access to and all actions you will be capable of performing depending on the plan the company is linked with. In short, it is a group of trackers and their extras under the same financial umbrella.
A tracker cannot belong to more than one company.
Adding members to a company
While you can add as many trackers as you want to a company, you can also share that company with other Astara Connect users via invitations.
This allows you to share the same access to the trackers within a company without sharing your credentials. When adding a member, you can specify different roles for the member. For instance, you can invite a user with read-only permissions, so they can only see insights but not modify anything within the trackers of that company.
Subscribing companies to POIs
You can subscribe a company to a POI. This will enable you to create geofences points of interest and allow the trackers within the company to interact with them.
Updated 12 months ago