This endpoint allows you to register a new asset and his tracker with the specified details. Also, if the provider is Targa
we can indicate if we want to send the installation order, for the device to be installed.
In the case we send the installation order, is mandatory to add the company_address_oid and contact_person parameters.
- provider(required): provider name belonging to the following list: "mercedes-benz", "bmw", "ulu", "astrata", "cartrack", "flespi", "targa", "tuya", "stellantis", "invoxia", "silence", "gpx", "hyundai-kia", "html5".
- installation_order(required): Boolean parameter indicating if the installation order will be send, if the provider is different to Targa, it can be set to True.
- company_address_oid: Company Address OID, related to the address where the installation will be done, required if provider is Targa and installation_order True.
- contact_person: information about the person to contact when doing the installation, required if provider is Targa and installation_order True.
- odo_value: actual odometer value, required only if the provider is Mercedes-Benz.
- registration_country(required): registration country code of the vehicle, it must be in format ISO 3166-1 alpha-3.
- id(required): A unique identifier of the asset. It should be a VIN for vehicles.
- type(required): The vehicle's connection type. Current options are: oem, obd, CANbus.
- packages(required): This parameter specifies the data packages that you want to be operating on your vehicle, list of packages OIDs.
- license_plate: The license plate of the asset if is a vehicle.
- model_year(required): The year of the vehicle model.
- tank_size: The size of the fuel tank in liters for vehicles.
- color: Color of the asset (as an enum value). It should be one of this: "aqua", "aubergine", "beige", "black", "blue", "brown", "dark grey", "green", "light grey", "olive", "orange", "pink", "purple", "red", "silver", "teal", "white", "yellow".
- alias: A friendly name for the asset.
- battery_size: Integer with the battery size expressed in kWh for electric vehicles.
- external_validation_data: Json with external validation id to extract information from provider. Eg. value with which to extract the information in Cartrack provider.
- version_id (required): The ID of the associated vehicle version.
- company_oid: The OID of the associated company.
- registration_date: The asset's registration date.