Computes the CO2 emissions per trip for a given vehicle and then aggregates the emissions for each day.

This endpoint performs CO2 emission calculations in grams for a vehicle's trips and provides cumulative daily emissions.
The process involves extracting WLTP (Worldwide Harmonized Light Vehicles Test Procedure) value using the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN),
followed by multiplying WLTP value by the distance traveled during each trip undertaken to determine the associated CO2 emissions for that particular trip.

The response contains the start date and time, distances, and CO2 emissions for the trips (emissions_per_trip).
In addition, It contains a compilation of the distances traveled and emissions produced each day (emissions_per_day).

The call must include a tracker_oid_list with at least one tracker_oid. By default, all the available data is used for calculation.
By providing the optional parameters start_date and/or end_date, only the data within the specified time range is considered.
This can be useful, for example, to track the CO2 emissions over time.

By default, the endpoint will be tolerant against missing data within individual trackers and continue evaluation for the other trackers.
The individial error codes will then be included within the response.
If a stricter error handling is preferred, e.g. when the list contains only a single tracker, the optional parameter robust_output can be set to False.
Then, the endpoint will immediately return any error.

Note: For models that are not commercialized in Spain, data availability may be limited.

CO2 Emissions
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