JUMP TOExceptionsAPI genericCompaniesCredentialsGroupsImportersPOIsTelemetricsTrackersUsersAstara Connect API v1Vehicle VersionsRetrieves motorization types available.getRetrieves fuel types available.getCreates a new vehicle version.postRetrieves vehicle versions by the model ID.getRetrieves a vehicle version or all vehicle versions.get/v1/tracking-schedules/timezonesRetrieve a list of timezonesgetSchedulesRegisters new schedule for a company.postReturn data related to schedules.getUpdate an schedule for a company.postDelete a schedule by its oid.deleteTelemetricsReturns top running vehicle models for a company or group in a period of time.getReturns top running vehicle types by dates for a company or group.getReturns top running vehicle makes for a company or group in a period of time.getReturns the number of trips grouped by vehicle model and date.getReturns the number of trips grouped by vehicle type and date.getReturns the number of trips grouped by vehicle make and date.getReturns the average, the maximum and the minimum kilometers traveled per trip by trackers for a given company or group grouped by the vehicle model and dates.getReturns the average, the maximum and the minimum kilometers traveled per trip by trackers for a given company or group, grouped by vehicle type and dates.getReturns the average, the maximum and the minimum kilometers traveled per trip by trackers for a given company or group, grouped by the vehicle make and dates.getReturns the total kilometers traveled by trackers for a given company or group, grouped by vehicle type.getReturns total kms traveled by trackers within a company or group that belongs to the company.getReturns top running vehicles models for a company or group.getReturns the top running vehicles types for a company or group.getReturns top running vehicles makes for a company or group.getReturns the number of trips for a given company or group grouped by vehicle models.getReturns the number of trips for a given company or group grouped by vehicle types.getReturns the number of trips for a given company or group grouped by vehicle makes.getReturns the average, the maximum and the minimum kilometers traveled by trackers for a given company or group, grouped by the vehicle model.getReturns the average, the maximum and the minimum kilometers traveled by trackers for a given company or group grouped by vehicle type.getReturns the average, the maximum and the minimum kilometers traveled by trackers for a given company or group, grouped by the vehicle make.getReturns the number of trips grouped by vehicle.getReturns the average, the maximum and the minimum kilometers traveled by trackers for a given company or group, grouped by vehicle.getReturns a list of the top locations.getReturns the avg, max and min kms for a given tracker or all trackers in a group, company or trackergetReturns a list of trips for a given company or group.getReturns a list of trip's dates for the given trackergetReturns the total km run within a period of timegetReturns statistics for all trips for the tracker OID.getReturns last odometer record of a trackergetReturns a list of tracker's trips on the current dategetCredentialsRegisters new provider credentials for a company.postReturn company's data related to credentials.getUpdates a provider credential by credential_oid.putDelete a provider credential by its oid.deleteData importersCheck if the server is up and running.getInsert telemetry data from any provider.postCheck if the server is up and running.getInsert Astrata AVRO files.postGPX check if the server is up and running.getInsert a GPX file into the system.postInsert tracker properties data for storage.postGet a list of Invoxia registered devices on Invoxia API of a company.postGet a list of Cartrack registered trackers on Cartrack API of a company.postTrackersList available vehicle makes and models.getList available vehicle typesgetList available vehicle makes and models.getReturns the count of connected trackers of a group.getRegisters a tracker.postValidates a previously registered tracker.postReturns the count of stopped trackers of a group.getReturns the count of moving trackers of a group.getReturns a list of trackers that belong to a company.getRemove the tracking schedule from a trackerdeleteSet a tracking schedule to a trackerpostLoads the tracker's historical data from the data provider system.getReturns the last position of a given tracker.getDownload tracker documentationgetUpload the tracker documentationpostUpdates tracker attributes.putDeletes or disconnects a tracker.deleteRetrieves basic information about a specific tracker.getVehiclesTrackers activityRetrieves trackers information with properties based on specified parameters.getAssetsSend the installation order to an asset in draft status.postRegister a new asset.postCreates a new asset.postUpdates an existing asset.postDelete an asset by its oid.deleteGet an asset by its OID.getGroupsRegister a new group.postReturn a list of the groups.getReturns trackers' last position.getAdd trackers to a group.putRemoves trackers from a groupputUnsubscribe a public POI from a group.deleteSubscribe a public POI to a group.postRemove a tracking schedule from a groupdeleteSet a tracking schedule to a grouppostReturns a list of trackers related to the group.getUpdates an existing group.putDeletes a group by its OID.deletePOIsGets not public POIs.getCreates a POI from a GeoJSON FeatureCollection.postGet public POIs.getGets company or group associated POIs.getPublishes/depublishes a POI.putDeletes a POI.deleteUpdates a POI from GeoJSON FeatureCollection.putGet a specific POI.get/healthcheckHealth check for apigetCommands / TrackerRetrieve the Bluetooth token for a specific tracker.postGet if command was executed in a tracker.getPost if want to send a command to a tracker.postCompaniesUnsubscribes your company from a single POI.deleteSubscribe a company to a given poipostReturns a list of trackers that belong to your company.getUpdate company's data.putReturns a list of the groups belonging to your company.getGet company's subscribed POIs.getCompanyRemove a tracking schedule from a companydeleteSet a tracking schedule to a companypostLinksTracker travels more than n kmCreatepostGet allgetGet a notification by IDgetUpdateputDeletedeleteTracker inactive more than 7 daysCreatepostGet allgetGetgetUpdateputDeletedeleteTracker moving within a scheduleCreatepostGet allgetGetgetUpdateputDeletedeleteTracker close to poiCreatepostGet allgetGetgetUpdateputDeletedeleteTracker outside geofenceCreatepostGet allgetGetgetUpdateputDeletedeleteTracker inside geofenceCreatepostGet allgetGetgetUpdateputDeletedeleteTracker odometer greater than n kmCreatepostGet allgetGetgetUpdateputDeletedeleteTracker inside geofence for more than n minutesCreatepostGet allgetGetgetUpdateputDeletedeleteServicesReportsGenerates a SoC evaluation report for a traction battery.postComputes the CO2 emissions per trip for a given vehicle and then aggregates the emissions for each day.postAstara PlayRetrieve fuel stations in a certain route.postRetrieve fuel stations in a certain bounding box area for a list of countries.postObtain autonomy range estimations for a given route.postFuel station prices metrics.getFuel station information.getVehicle information.getOpen Weather MapForecasting air pollution in a location, for 4 days.postCurrent air pollution in a location.postHistoric air pollution in a location, in a range of dates.postForecasting weather in a location, for 5 days with data.postCurrent weather in a location.postOpen Charge MapRetrieve charge points in a boundary box created with a radius, by default of 500m, from a point.postRetrieve charge points in a radius, by default of 0.5 km, from a point.postHERE MapsPerform map matching using HERE.postFind the nearest address for a given set of coordinates.postRetrieve POIs from HERE, e.g. charge stations.postRetrieve routes from HERE maps.postPowered by Retrieve a list of timezonesget https://api.astaraconnect.com/v1/tracking-schedules/timezonesReturn a JSON array of timezones.